Name: Dr Marvelous .I. Ejeleonu
Title: High Priest
Origin: Imo State
Location: Lagos
Specialization: Spiritual Works, Sacrifice And Counseling
Email: Ejeleonum@Gmail.Com
Land Protection
For You To Retain Your Land That No One Can Take It From You.
Warning: Please Don’t Use This Work To Take Another Person’s Land O..
It Will Backfire O’ Remember Karma.
Materials You Need
1: Whole Alligator Pepper
2: Spear or Dagger.
Dig A Whole with The Dagger in The Four Corners of The Land. And Bury 9 Seeds of Alligator Pepper. Each For Men. And 7 For Women.
Now Come to The Centre of The Land Dig a Whole That Can Contain Ur Feces .... Defecate Inside the Whole.
Add 9 Seeds of Alligator Pepper, Saying Ur Wishes Over the Land ...
Cover It and Go Home.
Social Media Link.